Tag Archive: the media


The image: Four horse persons with one “horse” for all four. Seen from behind, an ill-fitting blue suit, overlong red tie, TINY HANDS, and mop of yellow hair leave no doubt as to… Continue reading


One mustn’t look at the abyss, because there is at the bottom an inexpressible charm which attracts us. —Gustave Flaubert A presence of an absence, a trump shaped hole, that is not going… Continue reading


Dear GOP, please consider letting your leader think you’ll let him have 2024 if he’ll let go of 2020. He is literally killing us by holding on to it. The two and a… Continue reading


Apocalypse here? Almost, maybe? we’ll see. The drawing above is what I “see” outside my bedroom window. There are really houses across the field and the geese in it, but the rest is… Continue reading


AND HAPPY HORRORDAYS. There is no end in sight, at least until one of three bases breaks with His Orangeness. The bases are: 1) The wealthy: The very very rich, the .01%ers, of… Continue reading


The idea for this post came during my morning rant while I was pondering that there seemed to be no “good guys” in politics or the media any more than there are in… Continue reading


“Make me want to holler / The way they do my life” (Marvin Gaye and James Nyx, Jr. 1971) Though it’s not like anything bad has happened to me recently to bring such… Continue reading


Nature is indifferent and so is the economy. So, as we are almost nothing but, we are pretty much on our own. Yes, we have each other, but as you know, that isn’t… Continue reading